At Watsonville Community Hospital, we are dedicated to providing preventative, diagnostic and clinical services that support the health and wellness of women of all ages.
The Labor & Delivery Unit is a modern facility that provides comfort and care for mother, baby and the whole family during the birthing experience.
We offer:
- 18 large suites with private showers
- Intermediate intensive care nursery
- Sleep rooms for parents with babies who need extended treatment
- Obstetric hospitalist coverage from Salud Para La Gente
- Pediatric hospitalist coverage from Lucile Packard Children’s Hospital Stanford
- Neonatolgists
- Certified Nurse Midwives
- Lactation support services
- Nutritional support program for diabetic mothers
- Family/partner-centered visiting policy
- Free Prenatal Classes for stages of labor, infant care, breastfeeding (English and Spanish)
- Laparoscopic hysterectomies
- Essure sterilization/tubal ligation
- Bilingual staff
Review and sign up for Free Prenatal Classes or download a detailed flyer below:
Español: | CLASES DE PARTO |